Scholarship Recipient

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Eboni Thomas

College Name: 
Georgia Southern
Eboni Thomas

Eboni Thomas is a sophomore at Georgia Southern and is a second-year recipient of the ISBT Emeritus Scholarship.

Members and the Board of Directors of the International Society of Beverage Technologists, I feel extreme gratitude towards the great minds behind the ISBT Emeritus Scholarship for having faith in my abilities and choosing me to be the first recipient of this scholarship. Your generosity and humanitarianism will allow many young curious minds, like myself, to confidently pursue careers in the beverage and science industry. This scholarship will go far in aiding me in my academic journey into a career pertaining to the beverage industry.

The Emeritus Scholarship will aid me in paying for my tuition, and in doing so, it allows me to have more money for books, room and board, food, and other basic necessities that I need to get through the school year. I am currently a sophomore chemistry major at Georgia Southern, and I plan to follow in the footsteps of John S. Pemberton, a local pharmacist and founder of Coca-Cola, so that I can transfer into a pharmacy program to study regulations and clinical pharmacology as well as ingredients for health and wellness, all of which will aid me in promoting heart-healthy drinks.

I chose to be a chemistry major because of my love for the subject and the deep roots it has within the pharmacy and beverage industry. Between now and then, I will actively participate in any clubs or extracurricular activities that pertain to my major. I am currently an active member of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, the Phi Eta Sigma National Honors Society, and the Future Pharmacist Association club at my school. I hope to eventually pursue internships in both the beverage and pharmacy industry in hopes of receiving valuable experience to jump start my career in the research and science field.

This research will provide me with direction in setting and meeting goals for internship, volunteer, or community work moving into 2021 and my career thereafter. I currently work as a chemistry teacher assistant at my school and am seeking other job opportunities that would give me both the experience and support I need to continue my education and career.

When I graduate with a doctorate in pharmacy, I will search for job openings in pharmaceutical, food, and beverage industries. This is the reason the ISBT Emeritus Scholarship caught my attention. I admire my mother, who has worked in the beverage industry for over thirty years now. While following in the footsteps of Pemberton is a great idea, ultimately, my inspiration comes from my mother who performs regulatory audits for the Coca-Cola company.