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Compressed Gas Association (CGA)

For more than 100 years, the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) has been dedicated to the development and promotion of safety standards and safe practices for the industrial, medical, and food gases industry.

Over 110 companies worldwide are members of the Compressed Gas Association, from multinational corporations to family-owned businesses. These companies represent all facets of the industry: manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and transporters of gases, cryogenic liquids, and related products. Our sphere of influence encompasses industrial, medical, food, and specialty gases in compressed or liquefied form, as well as a range of gas handling equipment.

An American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited Standards Developing Organization, CGA uses a committee system comprised of member volunteers to develop technical specifications, safety standards, and training and educational materials. We also cooperate with governmental agencies in formulating responsible regulations and standards; and promote compliance with these regulations and standards in the workplace.

Additionally, we work in close cooperation with other industrial gas associations around the world to harmonize standards and advance safety for the industry worldwide.

CGA Publications Most Relevant to ISBT Members

ISBT members may find the following three CGA publications especially beneficial in providing a general understanding of how CGA sees the impact of 21 CFR 117 on food gas manufacturing operations and the recommended actions to take to remain in compliance with that regulation in general, and specifically, regarding the portions of 21 CFR 117 related to compliance with HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Control) and Supplier Qualification.

CGA F-1, Standard for Food Safety Management Systems and Good Manufacturing Practices for Food Gas Manufacturers

CGA F-2, Guideline for Food Gases Product Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Control (HARPC) Program

CGA F-3, Guideline for Qualifying Suppliers Used by Food and Beverage Gas Distributors and Manufacturers

From a Carbon Dioxide perspective, several additional publications may be of interest:

CGA G-6, Carbon Dioxide

CGA G-6.1, Standard for Insulated Liquid Carbon Dioxide Systems at Consumer Sites

CGA G-6.2, Commodity Specification for Carbon Dioxide

For those working with installation of beverage systems at consumer sites, such as restaurants and bars, the following document may also be of interest:

CGA G-6.5, Standard for Small Stationary Insulated Carbon Dioxide Supply Systems

If in addition to CO2 systems, you work with Nitrogen systems for blanketing, you may be interested in this publication:

CGA G-10.1, Commodity Specification for Nitrogen

If you have any questions regarding any of the above publications – or any of the other publications, position statements, safety alerts, or bulletins in the Compressed Gas Association's library – contact John Willenbrock, CGA Technical Manager, at (703) 788-2714.

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